Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Games.  I have always played games.  Even when I run and hide.  I am currently in hiding....oh my mistake, in healing lol!!!!  Another season at the barnyard has just begun.  I took my few steps into the greenhouse to do math.  I do a lot of math in the spring...math, math and more math.  Math was my weakest subject in school.  I found it boring.  Go figure I grow up and it becomes one of my greatest assets.  This year I will not be measuring chemicals, however.  Saddens me.  I am teaching quite a bit more but I still miss being part of the growing.  Oh well, I have my own yard to tend to...Si I was told to look for more like minded folks...  not easy when you live in the middle of nowhere . It has taken me a long time to find the folks I all ready have in my life.  Artistic temperment gets bored rather easy.  A year hour felt like 30 sec.  I was able to fill my time Now an hour feels like 8.  @ friends of mine fellow drummers, bellydancers invited me to come along to a 2 hr. dance class with a woman that I know a bit from drumming.  They said it is an hysterical experience.  I think I might go.   Cathy is a belly dancer and a midwife and Jill is a beautiful artist.  I am often in awe when I sit in her studio on Tues. afternoons.  My husband and I need to hire a babysitter more often.  You mesh into such a tight threesome when you have an only child.   He would like me to do the 500 hrs. and then we can think about bldg a small studio here on our property.  I can hold classes in yoga and meditation and also offer holistic medicinal advice.  I would also like to throw workshops on making your own body treatments, creams , lip balms, shampoo and things such as laundry detergent.  Share some of my crazy knowledge with those interested.. All in time.  Over the next 5 years, I suppose.  I want to do the ayervedic schooling @ Kripala at some point.  Right now I need to get my head in gear for spring.  The guys will be showing up in a couple weeks...Place to bring the eggs.  I need to continue teaching, working at the barnyard and doing double time around here while my husband  is gone 24/7.  Such is life.  All raedy this spring is turning out better than last and 100% better than 2009.   They are all still worried.  He thinks of me as a loose!!!!  fun..Obviously I took it the wrong way but that has since mended itself.  Krishnabai...thinks of me as one too, this time of year.  Cutting back on the caffeine may help.  yeah, that will help hahahahahah... ahhh and back to games.  Some like to think they can outsmart, outwit and I like the pleasure of letting them think so.  Games. 

1 comment:

  1. There is always time to play, and to do everything you want.
